耐250℃高温高效空气过滤器 High temperature resistant efficient air filter 特点 Features ●阻力低、容尘量大 ●耐高温性能好 ●主要用于**净烘箱等要求高温空气净化设备和系统. ●Low resistance and large amount of dust ●High temperature resistant performance is good ●Mainly used in high temperature oven laminar air purification equipment and systems. 构成材料及运行条件 Materials and operating conditions ●框材:不锈钢外框 ●External frane:Stainless steel frame湖南长沙**细玻纤高效过滤网|湖南长沙百级H13H14高效过滤器 ●密封物:**耐高温密封胶 ●Sealant:High temperature resistant sealant ●分隔物:铝箔 ●Filter media:Aluminum foil ●滤料:玻纤滤纸 ●Filter media:Glass fiber ●使用温度、湿度:250~350℃、80%以内 ●Use the highest temperature, humidity:250~350℃、80%手机:15928853231 18108224282 电话: 传真: QQ:2541564050 邮箱:2541564050@ CDGK@ 网址